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Rapid City Mayor tours WellFully and meets youth

As part of his efforts to be better informed about the city he leads, In early January Rapid City Mayor Jason Salumun took a tour the WellFully facility to get a hand-on view of the important services that the non-profit provides for the community.

He met with WellFully Executive Director Bob Burke and Communications Manager Todd Pfaff who gave him a brief outline about the three primary residential programs (Addiction Recovery, Behavioral Health Care and Psychiatric Health Care) that WellFully offers for at risk youth.

Crisis Care Specialist Spencer Ray provided some background on the needs in our community that led to the creation of WellFully's Adolescent Crisis Care Center.

Salamun was then given a tour of the WellFully facility giving him a chance to see the kitchen & dining room, the classrooms as well as see the residential units where the kids spend much of their time.

While in the residential units, he gave the kids a little of his own background after which the youth were very welcoming, and able to share with him their own stories of what brought them to this stage in their lives, and where they plan to go moving forward in their treatment.

After the tour, Salamun commented on how impressed he was with the WellFully facility and the programs it offers for the youth who are struggling in our community. "It's not so much the facility, but the people in it that are making a difference in these kids' lives.


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