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WellFully Scholarships are now available

At WellFully Premier Adolescent Care Center, we believe that continuing education after high school gives all young people the opportunity to enhance their lives and their future. The WellFully Scholarship program gives every youth that come through our programs an opportunity to better themselves through education.

With the help of sponsors su ch as Black Hills Energy, Denny Menholt Auto Group and Health Concepts, over $5,000 will be offered by to any High School Junior or Senior or current college student who are or have been a participant in any WellFully program (including WellFully‘s new Adolescent Crisis Care Center) and have a desire to attend a college or university or a technical school.

The deadline to apply for the 2022 scholarships is October 7, 2022, with award announcements to be made in mid-October, and will be presented at the annual WellFully “We Believe in Kids” benefit dinner to be held October 21.



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